Saturday 7 January 2017

The Belgrave Legacy by Zara Hoffman (Review)

   Boring, riddled with plots holes and skipping major plot and character development, The Belgrave Legacy was by far not one of the best things I have ever read. In a world of angels and demons, there is one girl who is going to decided whether good or evil will prevail. Fawn is destined to be the most powerful witch ever, and with great power comes great responsibility. Wanting to sway Fawn to his side, Satan sends his best, and that best is Caleb. What he didn't see coming was that Caleb might fall for his target.
   This was a badly written in my opinion. There were HUGE plot holes and missing parts of character development. I didn't like ANY of the characters in the novel. I didn't get a chance to. None of them were consistent and well developed. The reader can't get a grasp of them and grow an attachment. Characters aside, looking at the plot, I could not help but be disappointed. There seemed to be entire sections of time that was missing from the story that could have much improved the story and the characters. I also found the relationship between Caleb and Fawn to be weak and, following the trend in the rest of this novel, undeveloped. Overall, I do not recommend The Belgrave Legacy and give it the honest rating of TWO STARS OUT OF FIVE!!!
*Advanced Readers Copy Review*

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